right form of verb for hsc 2023
1. Question: Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs and subjects-verb agreement as per context.
Gazi Pir was a Muslim saint who (a) —— (say) to have spread Islam in the
parts of Bengal close to the Sunderbans. He (b) —— (credit) with many
miracles. He (c) —— (depict) in Paats or scroll. According to some
stories he fought with many crocodiles by which people of that region
(d) —— (threaten). Because of his vigilant presence all predatory
animals were said to (e) —— (keep) within bounds. It (f) —— (believe)
that he (g) —— (enable) people to live there in peace. So people (h) ——
(pray) to him for protection. The story of Gazi Pir (i) —— (preserve) in
folk literature as well as art and (j) —— (perform) in indigenous
2. Question: Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs and subjects-verb agreement as per context.
(a) Book —— (possess) an essence of immortality. They (b) —— (be) the
most precious products of human efforts. Temples crumble into ashes.
Pictures and statues decay but books (c) —— (survive). Time is of no
account for great thoughts which are as fresh today as they (d) —— (be)
when came through the authors’ minds ages ago. What (e) —— (be) then
thought or said still (f) —— (speak) to us. Books (g) —— (introduce) us
to the best society, they bring us into the presence of the noblest
minds that have ever (h) —— (live). We hear what they (i) —— (think) or
said. We see them as if they (j) —— (be) really alive.
3. Question: Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs and subjects-verb agreement as per context.
(a) Tigers —— (know) as ferocious animals. But they hardly (b) —— (kill)
any animal when they are not hungry. Usually the tigers (c) —— (reside)
in the deep forest. They are hardly (d) —— (see) in the open unless
there is a strong necessity. They often remain (e) —— (hide) under the
deep green in search of the prey. Whenever they (f) —— (discern) any
prospective prey, they take a pose to (g) —— (fall) upon it. Tigers
often (h) —— (unite) themselves to (i) —— (attack) their prey from
different directions. An adult tiger (j) —— (devour) 20 to 30 kilograms
of meat at a single meal.
4. Question: Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs and subjects-verb agreement as per context.
It is high time, we (a) —— (use) our brain about the curse of dowry. The
issues of dowry (b) —— (have) be considered in view of a country’s
socio-economic, cultural, political circumstances. United efforts (c) ——
(require) to put an end to violence against women. A specific frame
work must (d) —— (draw) up to (e) —— (implement). Anyway. we can hope
that dowry (f) —— (come) to an end in the time to come. We dare to (g)
—— (hope) so because our girls are being (h) —— (educate) day by day
Parents’ mentality (i) —— (change) gradually. People (j) —— (be) more
5. Question: Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs and subjects-verb agreement as per context.
(a) Truth always (a) —— (succeed) in the world. Falsehood (b) —— (win)
for the time being. Those who (e) —— (live) in the world of truth are
(d) —— (respect) by all people. Those who (e) —— (get) interest in (f)
—— (tell) lies in life, may prosper seemingly. But they(g) —— (succeed)
all the time. Socrates throughout his life would (h) —— (preach) the
truth. He tried (i) —— (make) people conscious what (j) —— (be) good for
6. Question: Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs and subjects-verb agreement as per context.
Most of the students of our country (a) —— (be) expert in memorizing
their answers. They (b) —— (prepare) notes themselves. They get them (c)
—— (prepare) by their tutors. Their tutors (d) —— (exercise) their
brain for the students. As a result the (e) —— (think) power of the
students (f) – (develop). They (g) —— (have) any command of the
language. They, sometimes (h) —— (do) well in the examination. But for
this they can (i) —— (claim) no credit of their own. This result (j) ——
(help) them in their later life.
7. Question: Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs and subjects-verb agreement as per context.
While (a) —— (eat) food we should bear in mind that we (b) —— (not, eat)
merely to satisfy our hunger or to fulfill the belly. We (c) —— (eat)
so that we (d) —— (preserve) our health. For good health, we need (e) ——
(take) good food. Sometimes, it (f) —— (happen) that people (g) ——
(live) even in plenty (h) —— (not, eat) the foods they need for health;
because, they (i) —— (not. know) how to choose a balanced diet from the
foods that (j) —— (be) available to them.
8. Question: Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs and subjects-verb agreement as per context.
Football is a favourite game in our country. It (a) —— (arrange) between
two teams (b) — (contain) eleven players each. The captains of both
teams (c) – (lead) their groups.This is the most exciting and enjoyable
game ever (d) – (play) across the world.It (e) – (run) for an hour and a
half with an interval after half of time (f) – (be) over.any football
tournament (g) – (arrange) between two strong teams game can be
exciting. The result (h) – (remain) almost unpredictable till the end
because any team might win the other team (i) – (score) a goal within
seconds. The referee is to see whether rules and order (j) – (maintain)
by the players.
9. Question: Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs and subjects-verb agreement as per context.
Idle brain is devil’s workshop. If we (a) —– (waste) our time in
idleness, all sorts of evil thoughts will crowd our brain. Idle persons
who (b) —— (kill) their time are burdens of society. They (c) —— (sit)
idle and cherish no high ideal and lofty ambition in life. They (d) ——
(not support) themselves. They (e) —— (lead) an unhappy life and (f) ——
(suffer) in the long run. There should be time for reading. for office
or other work, time for physical exercise, time for recreation and time
for prayer. This (g) —— (indicate) that we should do everything at the
right moment. We (h) —— (lead) a healthy and prosperous life only when
we (i) —— (follow) the routine which we (j) —— (make) for our guidance.
10. Question: Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs and subjects-verb agreement as per context.
Parents (a) —— (be) blessings of God to us. When a child (b) —— (bear),
their joys (c) —— (know) no bounds. They (d) —— (start) (e) —— (think)
of (f) —— (nurse) and (g) —— (bring) up their children. They (h) ——
(remain) safe under the custody of their parents since birth. Parents
never mind (i) —— (take) pains for the upbringing of their off-spring.
We (j) —— never (offend) our parents.
11. Question: Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs and subjects-verb agreement as per context.
To err is human. If a man commits crime anytime and repents truly for
his misdeed, he may (a) —— (forgive). But the man who (b) —— (not, give
up) the wrong, (c) —— (suffer) surely. In the long run. he (d) —— (will
take) to the land of death. The old sailor (e) —— (be) a wrong-doer in
his long journey. He committed a crime (f) —— (kill) a sea bird (g) ——
(call) Albatross. The crime ultimately (h) —— (bring) bad luck to them.
That ship (i) —— (leave) in the icy sea. The sun shone over their heads.
The wind (j) —— (drop) down. It was a great disaster.
12. Question: Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs and subjects-verb agreement as per context.
One night the entire village was sleeping. The boy Bayazid Bustami was
busy in study. His mother (a) —— (sleep). Suddenly she woke up and (b)
—— (feel) thirsty. (c) —— (call) her son, she told her Bacifo son to
give her a glass of water and (d) —— (fall) asleep again. When Bayazid
went to the pitcher, he (e) —— (find) it empty. So, he went out with the
pitcher in search of water. After a while he (f) —— (come) back home
with water and found his mother (g) —— (sleep). Then he waited (h) ——
(stand) by her bed with a glass of water. He did not make any sound lest
she (i) —— (wake) up. Suddenly his mother woke up and saw him with the
glass of water. At once she (j) —— (understand) what was the matter.