phrases and words for hsc
1. Complete the sentences with suitable pharse/words given in
the box. (বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য: Pharse/Words এর বক্সটি PDF উত্তরমালায় যুক্ত
করা হয়েছে।)
(a) There is foul smell in the room. ——– opening the windows?
(b) Tomorrow I will be very busy. So, I’ll say goodbye now ——– I don’t see you again.
(c) We ——– educate all and work hard to develop our country.
(d) Nobody likes Karim at all. He talks ——– he knew everything.
(e) The poor will continue to suffer ——– they are illiterate.
(f) Nobody likes you here. ——– you left this place.
(g) He saw bear coming towards him. So, he climbed up a tree ——– the bear might attack him.
(h) Everybody disliked Rakib. He ——– do many harmful activities.
(i) Time is very important in our life. You cannot prosper in life ——– you make proper use of time.
(j) The students were talking in the class. ——– the teacher entered the class than they stopped talking.
2. Complete the sentences with suitable pharse/words given in
the box. (বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য: Pharse/Words এর বক্সটি PDF উত্তরমালায় যুক্ত
করা হয়েছে।)
(a) Sir Jagodish Chandro Bose, a Bangalee, Polymath, Physicist and Biologist. ——– on 3 November 1858.
(b) A : I have only one pen with me.
B : ——– you lose it?
(c) The storm was devastating ——– it were the end of the world.
(d) I am very tired. I ——– take rest.
(e) A : ——– a satellite ——– ——–?
B : I have heard of it but never got a chance to see it.
(f) Everybody respects him very much. ——– is no person as honest as he in our village.
(g) ——– getting GPA——–5 in the exam? You have got it in the SSC and HSC Exam.
(h) I have a severe headache. I ——– go and see a doctor.
(i) It was thundering. ——– he heard the sound of thundering than he went out to bring the bull.
(j) He was a kind hearted man. He ——– spend his money for the poor than save it.
3. Complete the sentences with suitable pharse/words given in
the box. (বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য: Pharse/Words এর বক্সটি PDF উত্তরমালায় যুক্ত
করা হয়েছে।)
(a) The boy fled away ——– he saw the snake.
(b) I have not yet seen the baby.——– the new born baby ——–?
(c) ——– is about 200 kilometers from here to his home district.
(d) You have met Samira’s elder sister. ——– she ——– ?
(e) Helen was the paragon of beauty. She ——– to destroy the beautiful city of Troy.
(f) Your final examination is just at hand. You ——– study regularly to do well in your examination.
(g) A mother loves her children more than anything in the world. She ——– die than lose her children.
(h) The man cannot buy his daily necessaries——– a motor cycle.
(i) You have already wasted a lot of time. You ——– start right now.
(j) We should come to a decision now. ——– has been much discussion.
Ans: (a) as soon as (b)What does…. look like (c) It (d) What’s… like (e)
was born (f) have to (g) would rather (h) let alone (i) had better (j)
4. Complete the sentences with suitable pharse/words given in
the box. (বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য: Pharse/Words এর বক্সটি PDF উত্তরমালায় যুক্ত
করা হয়েছে।)
(a) I can’t even think of cheating in the exam hall. I. ——– fail.
(b) You can spend money ——– you wish for buying good books, They’ll be your asset in days to come.
(c) George can’t come out with us this evening. He ——– work late. He has an important meeting tomorrow.
(d) Baby: Mom, ——– a black box ——–? Mom: Sorry dear, I have never been in the cockpit of an airplane.
(e) ——– getting a phone call from an unknown number at midnight? It must be annoying.
(f) I ——– see a dentist soon. My teeth are causing troubles.
(g) “Is that a new car?” “Are you kidding? I can’t afford a gallon of gasoline. ——–. a new car.”
(h) Tapash delivers speech flatly ——– he were reading out a book report in the class.
(i) My village is beside a river. In my childhood I ——– swim in the river, catch fish and cross the river by boat.
(j) Do you know the year when Newton ——–?
5. Complete the sentences with suitable pharse/words given in
the box. (বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য: Pharse/Words এর বক্সটি PDF উত্তরমালায় যুক্ত
করা হয়েছে।)
(a) You want to come to our house. I’ll draw a map for you ——– you can easily find it.
(b) It is raining heavily. ——– closing the window please?
(c) All the students kept quiet ——– the teacher entered the class room. The teacher thanked them all for this.
(d) ——– was once a poor woman who had two daughters. The youngest used
to cut wood and she had to go every day into the forest to fetch it.
(e) Florence Nightingale ——– in a rich family. But she chose to be a nurse to serve the family.
(f) I ——–stay at home tonight than go to the cinema.
(g) A : ——– a fairy land ——–?
B : Sorry, I have no idea. I’ve never been there.
(h) He ——– study English. He has interest in literature.
(i) He commanded me ——–I had been his servant.
(j) She ——– maintain all the expenditure in her family.
6. Complete the sentences with suitable pharse/words given in
the box. (বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য: Pharse/Words এর বক্সটি PDF উত্তরমালায় যুক্ত
করা হয়েছে।)
(a) The poor will continue to suffer ——– they are illiterate.
(b) ——– are many rivers in Bangladesh. The rivers abound with plenty of fishes.
(c) The condition of your health may deteriorate. You ——– consult with a doctor.
(d) Time is over. I——– go now.
(e) ——– I see my father coming my heart fills up with joy. I am very much fond of my father.
(f) He cannot speak in Bangla properly, ——– he will deliver a speech in English.
(g) There started a heavy storm when I was about to go out. ——– I had been out there?
(h) ——– is many years since we first met. How time does fly!
(i) He acts ——– he were rich. So, nobody likes him.
(j) Kazi Nazrul Islam ——– in an impoverished family. He had to earn even when he was a small boy.
7. Complete the sentences with suitable pharse/words given in
the box. (বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য: Pharse/Words এর বক্সটি PDF উত্তরমালায় যুক্ত
করা হয়েছে।)
(a) It may rain anytime. We should start – we can.
(b) We ——– help him than walk home. He really needed help.
(c) Health is wealth. So, we all ——– follow the rules of health.
(d) ——– may rain today. You should go out with an umbrella..
(e) ——– was a king named Midas. He was fond of gold.
(f) I ——– avoid him earlier. My brother warned me about his misconduct.
(g) The child was blind when he ——–.Now, he begs to survive.
(h) – a bear ——–? It must be dangerous.
(i) He earns very little. He can’t afford to manage three square meals ——– to Dreamland Park with his children.
(j) ——– your English teacher ——–? He is a great scholar and very expert in teaching.
8. Complete the sentences with suitable pharse/words given in
the box. (বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য: Pharse/Words এর বক্সটি PDF উত্তরমালায় যুক্ত
করা হয়েছে।)
(a) Helvetia is a busy restaurant. You ——– reserve a table for tonight’s dinner.
(b) If you do not study seriously from now, you will not pass the exam, ——– get a good grade.
(c) The kids were waiting eagerly for the final bell. ——– it rang, they ran towards the gate.
(d) ——– the field be lost!
(e) We took an umbrella because it looked ——– it was going to rain.
(f) Aurther was a famous knight. He ——– in the 5th century. He led the British defence against the Saxon attack.
(g) Mamum: Saiam, have you met Mr. Kabir recently? ——– is he ——–?
(h) Mr. Rafique is an introvert. He ——– sit silently than have fun with others in a party.
(i) ——– playing for a famous club like Real Madrid? You seem to be living your dream.
(j) If the pain gets worse, you will ——– see a doctor.
9. Complete the sentences with suitable pharse/words given in
the box. (বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য: Pharse/Words এর বক্সটি PDF উত্তরমালায় যুক্ত
করা হয়েছে।)
(a) Corruption is a crime. I ——– die than become a corrupt.
(b) Karim is a very poor boy. He cannot manage two square meals a day ——– go to the fantasy kingdom.
(c) ——– the chief guest came, the audience kept silent. The chief guest delivered his speech with a smiling face.
(d) In the village of our country a girl who is matured usually ——– wear veil. Is it the same in the cities?
(e) Charles Babbage was an English mathematician. He ——– on 26 December 1791 in London.
(f) Our village is a famous one. ——– are many highly educated and very rich persons in our village.
(g) Today is holiday. ——– swimming in the river?
(h) ——– is unity which is strength. “United we stand, divided we fall” goes a saying.
(i) Burj Khalifa is a Skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. ——– its surroundings ——– ?
(j) Our examination is approaching near. We ——– prepare ourselves to make good result.
10. Complete the sentences with suitable pharse/words given
in the box. (বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য: Pharse/Words এর বক্সটি PDF উত্তরমালায়
যুক্ত করা হয়েছে।)
(a) The rules of our college are very strict. ——– the bells ring, the students have to attend the class.
(b) We suspected, ——– was Akram who took away money from the box.
(c) ——– was a king named Solomon. He was powerful and intelligent.
(d) His income was very limited. He could not buy a motorbike ——– a luxury car.
(e) ——– living in English style? You seem to be happy with your life in London.
(f) Mr. Habib is very honest. He ——– resign the post than earn money in a dishonest way.
(g) Lost time never comes back in life. So, you ——– not waste time in unprofitable work.
(h) Kazi Nazrul Islam is a rebel poet. He ——– in West Bengal.
(i) Paradise lies under parents’ foot. So, we all —————- obey our parents.
(j) I can’t remember my father’s face because I lost him in my very tender age. —————- he ——–?