Completing Sentence for HSC | With Answer


completing sentence for hsc 2023

1. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) Be punctual lest ——.
(b) Nobody can succeed in life without ——.
(c) Time is so valuable that ——.
(d) You could not get A+ provided ——.
(e) I have no pen with me. I would lend him, if I ——.

2. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) Industry keeps us free from want. Mr. Ant worked hard during the summer so that ——.
(b) There goes the proverb. “United we stand, divided we fall”, It is high time we ——.
(c) We do not realize that Indiscriminate cutting of trees has bad effects on environment. If we an trees al random ——.
(d) It is unfortunate that you don’t take exercise. —— if you took regular physical exercise.
(e) Save money lest —— From your childhood, you should form the habit of saving something for the future.

3. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) Industry is the key to success. If you work hard. ——
(b) Corruption is the main hindrance to development. It is high time ——.
(c) When I was a child ——
(d) I have a dream to fly in the sky. Had I ——.
(e) Work hard lest ——.

4. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) The attack on the free-thinkers in Bangladesh is extremely worrying. It is time the government ——.
(b) Shakespeare is a key figure in the 16th century. 1564 is the year ——.
(c) The students were talking in the class. As soon as the teacher entered the class ——.
(d) I am unable to talk to you as I need to go to my office immediately. You have to wait until ——.
(e) They are too poor to —— . So, very often they have to starve.

5. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) Hasan is an HSC candidate. As an HSC candidate. he should read properly so that ——.
(b) The old man is very weak. He is walking very slowly lest ——.
(c) My brother will come to Bangladesh from Italy tomorrow. So I have to go to airport with a view to ——.
(d) A student should not memorize any answer blindly. If he memorizes the answer without knowing the meaning ——.
(e) Corruption is a crime. But our government is failing to punish the corrupted people. It is high time we ——.

6. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) Our country is beset with many problems. We all should come forward with a view to ——.
(b) It is high time you ————. It is detrimental to health.
(c) I went to market yesterday. Had you requested me, I ——.
(d) She has got GPA 4.50. If—— more seriously, she would have got GPA 5 in the exam.
(e) My HSC examination is knocking at the door. I have to study attentively so that ——.

7. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) Climate change has a dreadful impact on our life and environment, therefore, ——.
(b) Many conferences are held on the issue of climate change but ——.
(c) Global bodies have come under a common umbrella and ——.
(d) As the climate change is going on at an alarming rate. –
(e) Bangladesh is the victim of climate change as ——.

8. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) It is mobile phone that has ——. It is a great invention of science.
(b) Don’t tell a lie. There is nobody who ——
(c) 16th December is observed as the Victory Day every year in Bangladesh. It is really a red——letter day in our national history because on this day ——.
(d) He earns such a small amount that ——. So. he is looking for some additional income.
(e) —— because sincerity is the key to success. An insincere person always becomes failure.

9. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) To forget a thing —— is common to all students. Even then, students memorize answers.
(b) Rote learning is harmful. So. students should not memorize anything —— —— understanding.
(c) Besides, they have to bear In mind that memory has ——.
(d ) This is —————— a bad habit.
(e) It destroys students’ ——.

10. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses /phrases.
(a) We are closely related to our environment. We should keep the environment free from pollution so that ——.
(b) We must follow the rules of hygiene. Without following the rules of hygiene, we ——.
(c) He was very hopeful about winning the game. He—— —— before he took part in the competition.
(d) He had a street accident and his mother injured herself falling on the stairs. To tell the truth, misfortune ——.
(e) She has got GPA 4.50. If ———— more seriously, she would have got GPA 5 in the exam.

11. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) Honesty is the best policy. If you maintain honesty ——.
(b) Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is high time ——.
(c) English is an international language. I wish ——.
(d) If I had much money, ——.
(e ) There goes a proverb that—— ——. So. you have to make friendship with a gentleman.

12. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) The job market is getting bad to worse day by day. If you don’t work hard in your student life ——.
(b) Trees are most important for our survival. They supply oxygen without which ——.
(c) My HSC exam is knocking at the door. I have to study attentively so that ——.
(d) I have lost my cell phone. Would you mind —— so that I can talk to my mother.
(e) Last week my friend Hasan met with an accident. No sooner had I heard the news than ——.

13. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) Rifat does not like ——. He knows that rich food does not contain rich vitamins.
(b) As Shafi is devoted to studies. all his teachers love him. He hopes to ——.
(c) —— is not good. We should give it up.
(d) —— gives no pleasure. It is always painstaking.
(e) There is nobody ——. Hence happiness is a relative term.

14. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) Physical exercise keeps us healthy and strong. If you take regular physical exercise ——.
(b) They came to you with a view to ——, but you scolded them without any reason.
(c) Please wait here until ————. I have a serious matter to discuss with you.
(d) I was not hungry at all. If I had been hungry, ——.
(e) Trees are essential for our existence. So, we should plant ——

15. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) Industry is the key to success. If you work hard. ——
(b) Corruption is the main hindrance to development. It is high time ——.
(c) Abdul is an HSC candidate. He is studying hard lest ——.
(d) There are a good number of reasons why ——. That English is a foreign language is the main reason.
(e) Birds fly in the sky. I wish ——.

16. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) Geometry is very much confusing to Zillur. He practices geometry a lot so that ——.
(b) I could not recognize you at first. It was five years since we ——
(c) Sanjida was writing quite well in the exam when suddenly she —— As a result she could not finish the exam with satisfaction.
(d) Don’t worry. I —— after I have firushed my study.
(e) Fateen was really in a great danger. He came to you with a view to —— from you, but you disappointed him.

17. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) 16th December is observed as Victory Day every year in Bangladesh. It is really a red letter day in our national history because on this day ——.
(b) A proverb goes that ——. So we must try to lead an honest life.
(c) Courtesy means —— Courtesy costs nothing but brings a lot.
(d) Bangladesh is an agricultural country, As her economy depends on agricultures ——.
(e) Time is very important in your life. You con’t prosper in your life unless ——.

18. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) Last night I did not have a sound sleep. I feel sleepy —— TV.
(b) You cannot handle such a —— if you don’t have prior experience in teaching.
(c) If the driver had been more careful. —— the fatal accident.
(d) We were supposed to start our journey the next day. But it was so hot that ——.
(e) A village market is one of the many attractions of country life. It is a public place where ——.

19. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) Trees are our best friends. But dishonest people cut trees so that ——.
(b) Flower is a symbol of love, beauty and purity. There is hardly any person ——.
(c) In society, people say many things. We should not give importance ——.
(d) I cannot permit my kid to go abroad. He is so young that ——.
(e) The dog attacked you because you frightened it. If you had not frightened the dog, it ——.

20. Complete the sentences using suitable clueses / phrases.
(a) A man cannot succeed in life ——.
(b) He studies medicine so that ——.
(c) I was too young to ——.
(d) Honesty is the best policy. If you maintain honesty ——.
(e) Flower is a symbol of beauty, love and purity. There is hardly anyone who ——.


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